About Me

I'm a software developer with a varied background... in data, volunteer-team building, and The Arts.


Shoot me an EMAIL , and I'll get back to really quickly.

Job Opportunities

I'm actively seeking employment. You can review my RESUME here. I'd love to talk to you about how I can be an asset to your team!

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I count my varied background as an asset to become a serious software developer.

Growing up, I've always had parallel tracks: computers and music. In the same day, I'd build a simple little BASIC (the language) program, and score an original composition. In the same season, I'd take a Visual Basic course while preparing for a classical piano recital.

Musicians are puzzle solvers. Composers and Arrangers absolutely are creative, but "the ideal" is always restricted by "the practical"... solve the puzzle. Volunteer-team building and scheduling is NOTHING but puzzle-solving.

While I'm leaving music behind as a vocation, it has developed me (pun-intended) into both "a creative" and a leader. To write orchestrations, one must be focused for hours at a time. To oversee all-volunteer teams, one must be organized AND pleasant to work-with. My 17 years in the music and non-profit world has made me more useful in tech.

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